The Cambridge
Kite Navigator

Explore the hidden stories behind radical change in the Kite.


Listen to our enhanced podcasts on the hidden stories behind how the people of the Kite made radical change.

Podcast 1

Kite People Are
Socially Progressive

Podcast 2

Kite People
Are Nature

Podcast 3

Kite People Are

Podcast 4

Kite People Are



In our enhanced podcasts we showcase four key themes that have shaped The Kite: Socially Progressive, Connected to Nature, Creatively Expressive, and Collaboratively Entrepreneurial. These themes were identified through historical research and residents sharing powerful stories of courage, creativity, and community spirit that reveal the heart of this neighbourhood.

Let’s Go Fly the Kite

Let’s Go Fly the Kite is a citizen science project which explores the history of the Kite area in Cambridge and aims to create a roadmap for how its residents and visitors can build upon their heritage to shape its future. 

The Navigator

The Navigator is your digital space to be inspired by the heritage of the Kite. A storytelling tool where past and present are interweaved to create a more inclusive narrative of Cambridge.

This is a National Heritage Lottery Fund project led by Together Culture in partnership with Anglia Ruskin University’s StoryLab and the Cambridge Room. Webpage design and development by JoinedUp Thinking. Podcasts developed by ARU StoryLab. Illustrations by Laura Jingyi Wu. The interviews with residents were conducted by ten local people, employed as citizen historians throughout the project.

Additional resources: Capturing Cambridge, Lost in Cambridge, Simon Knott, Roy Hammans

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