Taking a Dive and Catching a Wave

from £50.00
Coming soon

Each portrait includes a visual and written interpretation of the story told by the sitter. These can be acquired together or separately:

  1. Written portrait: a leporello book handmade by Simon Shaw of Probably Books, containing the full story of your favourite mistake and your reflections on it looking back.

  2. Visual portrait: the sculptural artwork reflecting the story of your favourite mistake, created on part of a repurposed mannequin.

  3. Full portrait package: both the written and visual portraits

What the sale of artworks contributes to:

40% of the proceeds of all sales of art will pay commissions for the Together Culture Helpers who gathered the Story of Us.

60% of the proceeds is contributing to the £50,000 required to open Together Culture's Citizen Studio in October, where we'll engage the broader community in design thinking around the question: 'If in 10 years time, Cambridge was known as one of the most inclusive and ecological cities in the world, what would be different?'

In addition to this vibrant recreation of the purpose of the high street, we'll also be providing much needed creative working space for artists and social entrepreneurs. The next step after that? Developing our systems change incubator to put ideas into action and scaling up our facilities and programmes in a permanent space.

Not had your portrait made yet?

Share a story of your favourite mistake and co-create your own story portraits with our Together Culture Helpers. Sessions are available until 22 July - book your portrait sitting today.

Portrait package:
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