We are Together Culture: Meet Akua

Supporter since April 2023

Together Culture is growing a community of outrageously curious, and open-minded members who want to build a more inclusive and ecological economy. Today we’re introducing you to Akua, an Arts Producer at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and a long time Supporter of Together Culture.

Why did you become a member?

I believe in the vision of creating genuine space for creativity in the community and utilising it for finding solutions to improve the way we live. 

What (if anything) has exceeded your expectations about Together Culture?

I am wowed by the way in which Cambridge has show interest and genuinely engaged with the concept. Of course there’s always initial scepticism, but the approach has been to bring people on board with a philosophy that really motivates and connects individuals. It’s wonderful to see such an active programme and busy studio and to hear mentions of Together Culture in conversations across Cambridge.

How has being a member of Together Culture impacted your wellbeing, if at all?

At the time of Together Culture’s inception I was in a different job and since then, I’ve changed post and had some major life changes (parental loss, getting married, bought a house). I found the Together Culture approaches of deep diving with activities/projects like ‘best failures’ very cathartic and useful for my own sense of well being when balancing so much change during that time. It demonstrates that you can’t separate life and creativity. 

What would you tell someone who is interested in joining Together Culture?

If you’re seeking a way to connect with others and find your place in this city, visit Together Culture. Take your curiosity, and just explore. You never know what conversations you might have and where you might find you fit.

What is your work / passion and how do you hope to use that at Together Culture?

I’m working in Creative Health at Cambridge University Hospitals and where I’ve been collaborating with Together Culture to develop CUH’s Creative Health programme for staff. I’m passionate about connecting people with their creativity, how ever that looks and in my work I have lots of opportunity to bring creative experiences to patients, staff and visitors. CUH is a community in its own right and it feels very relevant to apply some of Together Culture’s approaches to injecting creativity into the lives and work of the CUH workforce. We’re still early in the journey but the spirit of ‘people at the centre’ at CUH aligns with Together Culture’s approach and so far it’s been exciting to see the beginnings of a group of staff coming together to advocate for creativity at work.

How do you hope the Together Culture membership can change Cambridge?

Together Culture has been a great and considered connecter of people across various sectors and points of interest. It is strong in making things happen and demonstrating that groundswell can build when we approach things with curiosity and openness to change. The vision has been informed by those who engage and it feels live and responsive. It’s a way of working that doesn’t seem accessible to the more conventional organisations that we have relied on. By encouraging more and more to think differently about the skills they have and where they can impact, there’s potential for communities to demonstrate more agency and imagination in how their needs are addressed. The Cambridge Together Culture can be a model for other communities in other towns and cities. 

Supporter Membership is £10 a month or £120 for the year, and all Supporters are helping us to reach our goal of £10,000 by 30 April 2025 towards our new home at 56 Burleigh Street. Become a Supporter here.


Together Culture Connections: Meet Peter and Yvonne